Goldsmith Ave
I would describe this kitchen as industrial, shaker style with a French bistro nod. Did I get too fruity there?? I fell in love with these lights in an American catalogue and had to have them, the freight was more than they were but when you fall, you fall. Lighting is the jewelry of the room and they certainly get noticed! I had these steel over shelves made to create the commercial feel. Glasses etc are stored in the old French cabinet.

This family room has had a few looks but it's now this amazing Green called Puck from The Little Green company. Arranged books and frames to ensure my shelfie is on point!

The master bedroom. Wallpapered on one wall in this beaded stripe that I railroaded so the stripes were horizontal. This gives the illusion the wall is wider and when the light hits the tiny beads, it's very pretty. These wall lights are sculpture and were the first on the moodboard! I added the Slim Aarons Beauty and the Beast to create the mood.. and the colours work.
I have always loved this wallpaper and decided to splurge and install it on the ceiling. Firstly because it looks wonderful, brings the ceiling down and creates a cosy enclosed space , and secondly it hides all the cracks!

My son's bedroom has brick wallpaper throughout and a bespoke cubby house bed for maximum sleepover pulling power! Placing furniture in the middle of the room ensures they can move around the play table freely and the 'mess' is contained on top and within, rather than on the floor.

Feature wall in my Wired for Sound Wallpaper

The bathroom has been tiled up to 120cm to ensure splashes don't damage the wallpaper. I've painted the ceiling a soft pink picked out of the paper. Bath by CP Hart perfect for short people like me! :) I don't slip and drown in this....

Repainted the kitchen last year in Night Swimming by Paint the Town Green

The living room has paneling wallpaper to create a formal feel and a collection of much loved art. Impressionists finds from markets and lithographs bought at auction nest happily with work my children and I have done.

This painting is one of mine, I love to paint when time allows and now offer commissions. Please see Shop

We sacrified a bedroom for this dressing room ensuite and feel it's a feature of the house.
The storage was designed by me and built by Neatsmith