Bubble Bath Day
What is it about a bubble bath?
They are associated with relaxing and soothing, and allow ourselves that all important 'me' time where you can forget about what's going on outside the bathroom door for that moment. Bubble baths can be scented to enhance the experience and adding oils will help nourish and protect the skin. Light candles for ambience and scent, and maybe put on some Kenny G.... knock yourself out.

Ergonomic bath in my Wimbledon project
The First bath dates back to the 3rd Millennium BCE in Pakistan and we’ve come along way since then in terms of design.
I’ve always slipped beneath the surface being 5’1 but my CP Hart bath saves me from drowning being compact and deep. When designing a bathroom for clients you have to ask a lot of questions. It’s such a personal space. And it’s always lovely to finish an install with products, dressing the room.
Bubbles act as an insulator allowing you to stay warm for longer, so if you’re reading, you won’t have to flip the pages too quickly. Bubbles collect debris preventing a ring around the bath and protect your modesty if someone walks in.
Blonde and Ambitious Blog have a great recipie for the best bubble bath. Click pic below for link
Buy a Bath Tray for all of the accessories - Loofah, Bath Brush, oils and foams, a reading rack, a wine bucket?? For when you're having bubbles in bubbles...
We should all be trying to avoid buying plastic bottles and there are numerous alternative products out there. My daughter is obsessed with bath bombs from LUSH.
Soap on a rope is back! From @bubbleblocksstore Etsy
This stopped me in my tracks, Coffee bars of soap to wake you up in the morning! From @greensoapscanada on Etsy
Chandler having his first bath...
After a long or stressful day the idea of stepping into a bubble filled bath seems heavenly